Aug 14Liked by Nolcha Fox, Alex S. Johnson

Woooaaahhhh! Three brains on fire! I feel like I should have been reading all of this in the dark and not on a sunny early evening…

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I was literally born Halloween morning so the darkness part is pretty much a given. Spooky action at a distance is a term from Albert Einstein which he used to describe quantum entanglement, a phenomenon where two or more particles can remain connected and share a state, even if they are separated by great distances. This connection seems to allow the particles to communicate faster than the speed of light, which Einstein found disturbing.

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Now I’m fascinated! I love Einstein’s concept :)

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thank you! if you like this poem be sure to look out for my and Sandy DeLuca's dark poetry collaboration The Flowers of Doom, forthcoming from Plasma Press.

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Definitely on the dark side of life! Thanks, Zivah!

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These poems are so powerful! No mincing words, straight for the throat.

I enjoyed the first poem's accurate description of today's society and all the darkness that lingers in it.

The imagery in the last poem was insane! So fantastic. The word choices were too good!

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thank you very much for your kind words, Claire!

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Thanks so much, Claire! I appreciate your comments. I'm so close to my writing, I don't always see the bigger picture.

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